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Corporate Information:

Where can I get information on the company?

Where is FieldPoint's corporate headquarters?

How many people does FieldPoint Petroleum currently employ?

Financial and Investor Information:

Where does FieldPoint's common stock trade?

How do I purchase FieldPoint's common stock?

Does FieldPoint pay a dividend on its common stock?

When does FieldPoint's fiscal year end?

I am a potential FieldPoint Petroleum investor. How can I receive an investor kit?

Who is FieldPoint's auditor?

Who is FieldPoint's transfer agent and how do I contact them?


Where can I get information on the company?

For information on FieldPoint, please refer to the Company 's website at and then click on the "Investor Relations� subsection.

You may also receive information by simply contacting the company at 512-250-8692 or via email at [email protected].

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Where is FieldPoint's corporate headquarters?

FieldPoint Petroleum Corporation

1703 Edelweiss Drive

Cedar Park, Texas 78613

Phone: 512-250-8692

Fax: 512-335-1294

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How many people does FieldPoint Petroleum currently employ?

FieldPoint has 4 employees; however, the Company subcontracts required field support personnel on a project-by-project basis.

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Financial and Investor Information:

Where does FieldPoint's common stock trade?

FieldPoint's common stock trades on the American Stock Exchange under the symbol "FPP".

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How do I purchase FieldPoint's common stock?

Since FieldPoint does not have a direct stock purchase plan, you can buy shares of FPPC by contacting any retail stockbroker or online brokerage service.

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Does FieldPoint pay a dividend on its common stock?

No, FieldPoint does not currently pay dividends on its common stock.

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When does FieldPoint's fiscal year end?

December 31

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I am a potential FieldPoint Petroleum investor. How can I receive an investor kit?

Please contact the company at 512-250-8692 or via email at [email protected] to receive a complete investor kit, as well as ongoing news announcements and other Company-related materials.

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Who is FieldPoint's auditor?

FieldPoint uses the firm of Hein + Associates LLP as their auditors.

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Who is FieldPoint's transfer agent and how do I contact them?

Computershare Investor Services is the Company's current transfer agent. They can help with a variety of shareholder-related services. following:

Change of address

Transfer ownership of stock

Request stock certificate(s)

Request account statement

Computershare Investor Services

12039 West Alameda Parkway

Suite Z-2

Lakewood, Colorado

P: (303) 262-0600

F: (303) 262-0630


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