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Corporate Information:

Where can I get information on the company?

Where is FieldPoint's corporate headquarters?

How many people does FieldPoint Petroleum currently employ?

Financial and Investor Information:

Where does FieldPoint's common stock trade?

How do I purchase FieldPoint's common stock?

Does FieldPoint pay a dividend on its common stock?

When does FieldPoint's fiscal year end?

I am a potential FieldPoint Petroleum investor. How can I receive an investor kit?

Who is FieldPoint's auditor?

Who is FieldPoint's transfer agent and how do I contact them?


Where can I get information on the company?

For information on FieldPoint, please refer to the Company 's website at and then click on the "Investor RelationsÓ subsection.

You may also receive information by simply contacting the company at 512-250-8692 or via email at [email protected].

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Where is FieldPoint's corporate headquarters?

FieldPoint Petroleum Corporation

1703 Edelweiss Drive

Cedar Park, Texas 78613

Phone: 512-250-8692

Fax: 512-335-1294

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How many people does FieldPoint Petroleum currently employ?

FieldPoint has 4 employees; however, the Company subcontracts required field support personnel on a project-by-project basis.

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Financial and Investor Information:

Where does FieldPoint's common stock trade?

FieldPoint's common stock trades on the American Stock Exchange under the symbol "FPP".

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How do I purchase FieldPoint's common stock?

Since FieldPoint does not have a direct stock purchase plan, you can buy shares of FPPC by contacting any retail stockbroker or online brokerage service.

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Does FieldPoint pay a dividend on its common stock?

No, FieldPoint does not currently pay dividends on its common stock.

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When does FieldPoint's fiscal year end?

December 31

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I am a potential FieldPoint Petroleum investor. How can I receive an investor kit?

Please contact the company at 512-250-8692 or via email at [email protected] to receive a complete investor kit, as well as ongoing news announcements and other Company-related materials.

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Who is FieldPoint's auditor?

FieldPoint uses the firm of Hein + Associates LLP as their auditors.

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Who is FieldPoint's transfer agent and how do I contact them?

Computershare Investor Services is the Company's current transfer agent. They can help with a variety of shareholder-related services. following:

Change of address

Transfer ownership of stock

Request stock certificate(s)

Request account statement

Computershare Investor Services

12039 West Alameda Parkway

Suite Z-2

Lakewood, Colorado

P: (303) 262-0600

F: (303) 262-0630


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